Author: lyter

How plants can help us be more sustainable

You do not need to be an environmental expert in order to understand the importance of plants for life on earth. Plants help minimize the stress levels whilst creating a positive feeling in your mind. Green Roof Tops for an Eco-Friendly Building Structure Basically, this is a vegetative layer that can be grown on the ….  Read More

Wasting less electricity on a daily basis: 3 tips

Do not simply rely on the so-called energy saving appliances you see in the market currently. Rather, know the various steps you can take in order to save on your monthly energy bills with the implementation of certain preventative measures and modifying some bad habits. Keep reading as we will be sharing some of the ….  Read More

The effects of global warming in short

Among the major issues that the current world faces is global warming. The effects of global warming on different life forms on Earth are indeed scary. Global warming is often seen as a popular subject for debate in media as well as politics, but, sadly, even if people may disagree in regards to the causes, ….  Read More