The effects of global warming in short

Among the major issues that the current world faces is global warming. The effects of global warming on different life forms on Earth are indeed scary. Global warming is often seen as a popular subject for debate in media as well as politics, but, sadly, even if people may disagree in regards to the causes, the effects of global warming are real and substantial through all parts of the world.

The effects of Global Warming are already visible via droughts, changing weather patterns and increased ocean levels. Scientists all across the globe have already recognized Global Warming as a serious environmental and public health hazard.

Effects of Global Warming:

Melting Glaciers

The melting glaciers are likely to create a huge number of problems for humans as well as the animals on earth. The rising sea levels as a result of global warming might lead to serious flooding and create serious destruction in human life.

In addition to elevating the sea levels, global warming may also endanger a number of species of animals on earth which will impact the ecological balance of various ecosystems on earth. The increased melting rate of the glaciers can also trigger a chain of major events which are irreversible.


With the rising temperature, the health of human beings is likely to deteriorate. For example, in regions with excessive rainfall, water-borne infections and diseases such as malaria may spread like a wildfire.

Declining Supply of Fresh Water

The freshwater across all parts of the world is likely to decline quite significantly as a result of global warming.

With the loss of the ecosystem in the coral reefs, the amount of fresh water flown into the rivers and lakes is declining with each passing day.


Despite the fact that the results of global warming on agriculture may not be visible as of yet, nonetheless, you’re likely to experience them in the coming years in one form or another.

As the temperature on earth rises, plants will struggle to carry out photosynthesis and may die. Even today, plants are a primary source of food not only for humans but also for other animals. Food shortage may also result in conflicts and war in some parts of the world.

Frequent Wildfires

Whilst wildfires may seem like a naturally occurring phenomenon, the record-breaking temperatures in summer season speak for itself. Repeated cases of wildfires continue to make headlines every year and each time, you’ll see their rate of burning growing longer as compared to the last.

Frequent wildfires may also release an excessive amount of carbon dioxide gas into the atmosphere.

Climate Change

We have already started experiencing unsteady weather scenarios in most countries around the world. Increased rate of precipitation thru rain has become quite noticeable in polar as well as sub-polar regions.

The increased rate of global warming may cause additional evaporation of water vapor leading to more rains. Plants and animals may find it challenging to adapt to such climates.

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